Which toys are good for me?

Impact play is personal.

Our biggest passion is to help people to find the perfect toy that suits your playing style.
If you have ever visited us at a fair or at home, you know we talk about impact play like it is wine.
Secretly, it really is! All types of leather and the combination of them creates a complete different type of sensation, and we would like to ask you, what do you actually like?

We categorize our toys on the following scale.

This character card belongs to most of our Made to order flogger sets and poi floggers. We call these all round toys.
With all round we mean a nice combination of thuddy leather with a little sharp bite. Perfect for warmig up and suitable to most styles of impact play.
A set like this wil likely become the backbone of your play session. Perfect for warm up and general play if you add more energy while wielding. 

If you browse our toys, you will find a character card allongside the pictures. 
If you are not sure what to pick, you can always message us with your dessire: Contact Us

Allongside with our character cards, you can search toys with us based on taggs. 
If you for example search for the tag:  "Sharp" you will get all our toys with a sharp impact.
This is the same for "Sensual", " Thuddy", " Intense".
An intense toy is likely less of an beginners toy. We strongly advise to handle all toys with care for your (play)partner, your toys and yourself.